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Git commit back in the past

How to do a git commit in the past

For a presentation I was holding at work I created a git commit timeline that could help me “cheat a little bit” as Ingrid Espelid Hovig would’ve put it.
However, I needed to go back in time and put something at the beginning of that commit timeline.

So - doing a commit between commit A and commit B:

  1. Start an interactive rebase to a commit at some point before the commit you want to insert after: git rebase -i <commithash>
  2. Vim should start up and you’ll get a list of commits. Find the commit you want to add after and switch from pick to edit
  3. Save and exit vim
  4. Make the changes you want and do: git add and git commit
  5. Continue the rebase: git rebase --continue

Obviously the hardest part of this is step 3…

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